Chow Energy Public Company Limited

Good Governance


CAC Certification

Awards for good corporate governance practices that the Company has received.

Chow Energy Public Company Limited received the certificate of membership of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) for two consecutive terms, reflecting its intention and commitment to anti-corruption in all forms through transparent management in accordance with corporate governance in order to build confidence among all stakeholders.

The Board of Directors places great importance on good corporate governance. They have assigned the Corporate Governance Committee the primary responsibility of formulating corporate governance policies, anti-corruption policies, and prohibitions on giving or accepting bribes, along with ethical and business conduct guidelines. These are to be framed within the relevant laws, principles, regulations, and rules.

The committee is to present these policies to the Board of Directors for approval and announcement as best practice guidelines for directors, management, and employees at all levels. Additionally, the committee is responsible for providing recommendations and best practices on good corporate governance to the Board of Directors, as well as proposing ways to instill organizational values that reflect good corporate governance practices, ensuring these are adopted as part of the corporate culture.

Complaint channels

It is a channel for making complaints about illegal acts. Failure to comply with corporate governance principles Unethical business operations, corruption, or wrongdoing by the company. The company will collect Keep information reported through the system confidential and forward information to relevant agencies with care.